📢ZakumiFi Annoucement🥰
⚖️Staking Pools is live now🚀
✍️How to Join?
🟣Step 1: Copy link: https://stake.zakumi.io/
🟣Step 2: Use (Metamask / Safepal / 1Inch Wallet), then paste the above link in the browser on Metamask or Dapp for Safepal / 1Inch Wallet and Access.
🟣Step 3: Select BSC network and Connect wallet.
🟣Step 4: Select Approve then confirm BSC network fee.
🟣Step 5: Next, choose Stake and enter the amount of $ZAFi tokens you want to send Staking, then press Stake and confirm the BSC network fee.
✅Min Stake: 1000 ZAFI
🔶Details: https://whitepaper.zakumi.io/ecosystem/staking-pools
✅Renounce Ownership
🥰$ZAFI ready to pump 100x📈🧊🌖🚀
🚀Join ZakumiFi🥰:
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